Hey, gang, I realize I got caught up with family business - new grandson parachuted in from heaven last night - but there's book-related news to share too.

Saturday I had the best time at the Booklovers Luncheon in Baltimore. The ladies of the Metropolitan United Methodist Church laid out a traditional church meal like I haven't had in years. I'm talking: fried fish, fried chicken, baked chicken, baked macaroni and cheese, candied yams, cabbage, green beans, and cornbread to make your mouth water. Then we four authors talked about and read from our books for an hour or so. We all signed lots of books afterward, but I was a bit distracted by the bread pudding and peach cobbler dessert. Certainly the most enjoyable Saturday I've ever spent in church.
And there's publishing news. The May 2007 issue of "Crime and Suspense" is on the electronic streets, and they have published an article of mine called "Case of the Vanishing Detectives." I won't tell you what it's about but you can check it out the latest issue at

http://www.crimeandsuspense.com/cands_0705_1515.htm and, hey, you should be reading "Crime and Suspense" anyway!

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