Fradkin, Barbara - ONCE UPON A TIME

ONCE UPON A TIME – G+ Barbara Fradkin – 2nd in series (Canadian – police procedural)

When an old man dies a seemingly natural death, only Inspector Michael Green finds it suspicious. Talking to the man's family only increases Green's curiosity. A search of his house turns up an old tool box with a hidden compartment containing a German ID card from World War II. Gradually, suspects emerge, including members of the man's own family. But even Green, with all his experience, could never have imagined that the truth would come so close to his own life.

One of the things I find most interesting about Ms. Fradkin’s writing is that the pace of the writing very much reflects the character of the protagonist – steady and dogged in his investigation. This is not a bad thing. If anything, her character has a more realistic tone than some. You feel his frustration with his job, the problems he has balancing it and his life with his new family. These are not tires squealing, guns blazing books, but very well written police procedurals. I enjoyed it very must.

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