SKINNER'S TRAIL (Police Procedural-Europe-Cont) – Ok
Jardine, Quintin – 3rd
in series
St. Martin's Press, 1996- Hardcover
Assistant Chief Constable Robert Skinner's newest case starts in Scotland
with the murder Tony Manson, a criminal who runs drugs and prostitutes. The trail leads to Spain and money laundering, and on to Amsterdam and back to Scotland.
While I may get tired of Rebus' drinking and angst, Skinner is so perfect as to be annoying.
He is tall, lean, attractive, smart, an excellent shot and at hand-to-hand combat, well liked by his superior and subordinates, and has a perfect wife and baby. He easily gets the cooperation of other police agencies and bad guys tell him everything. It all gets to be a bit much. So why do I keep reading the series? Because under all that is a decent procedural with just enough suspense to keep me going. It's a quick, okay read.
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