THE CUPS OF GHOSTS (Historical-France/England-1300s) – G+
Doherty, Paul – 1st in series
Headline, 2005- UK Hardcover – ISBN 0755328736
Mathilde, trained as a physician by her father, finds her life in jeopardy and uprooted. With the Pope’s declaration of Templer’s as heretics, she
is taken to her uncle for safety just before her father is executed. The only way for her uncle to keep her safe is for her to become lady in waiting to Princess Isabella and, after Isabella’s marriage to Edward II of England, escape to England as part of the Royal household.
This is as much a novel of French and English history as a mystery. The attention to period detail is exacting.
The story is told in retrospect by Mathilde and it is interesting to see Mathilde use her training to uncover causes of death during this period. That is not to say, however, that it lacks for danger, intrigue, and bodies galore; almost too much so, for I didn’t feel I ever really had time to connect with the character. However, if turbulent history and court intrigue fascinate you, this is the book for you.
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