THEM BONES (Amateur Sleuth-Zinnia-MS-Cont) – G+
Haines, Carolyn – 1st in series
Bantam, 1999-Paperback
Sara Booth Delaney is trying to save Dahlia House, the antebellum family home, where she lives alone, except for Jitty, the ghost of
her great-great-great-Grandmother’s nanny. She gets some money by taking her friend’s dog, sending a ransom note and pretending to rescue him. In turn, her friend wants Sara to find out who killed Hamilton the Fourth and his wife in separate, supposed, accidents.
It’s not much of a mystery, although I didn’t predict the ending. What it does have is
delightful characters, a strong sense of place and very good dialogue. This is a light, fun, entertaining diversion.
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