I'm not sure if this is bad news for writers, but I may have found the answer for all my friends who tell me they love to read but don't have another square inch on their bookshelves at home. If you once found movie DVDs crowding you out of your home, you have probably discovered Netflix by now. Booksfree -
http://www.booksfree.com/ - does the same thing for paperbacks and audio books. They have more than 96,000 titles, shipping is free both ways and, like Netflix, you can keep titles as long as you want. When you send back the first books you rented they send the next things on your list. It's like having the library come to you. They have many classic books and more recent titles like my thriller The Orion Assignment. If you're a reader but not a collector, this might be the site for you. If you're a fellow author, I'm not sure how this might impact sales. In the short run, they may have to buy several copies of their most popular selections. But renters probably won't buy. We'll have to wait and see.
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