I was stuck in traffic on I-80 west. The backup was at least five miles (which I'm told is fairly common on I-80), when it struck me. In addition to a fertile, if slightly deadly, imagination, every mystery writer desperately needs a Global Positioning System (GPS) that can safely, quickly, and with a slight British accent, point out alternative routes to author events. Luckily, Mr. Evelyn David, or as he is better and more fondly known, John, had packed just such a glorious invention in my 12-year old car.
I wandered through the back roads and small towns of New Jersey, and arrived an hour early at Roxbury Public Library in Succasunna. I knew I'd landed safely when I saw the sign: How to Commit Murder, July 10, 7 p.m.

Valerie Smith, senior reference/technology librarian at Roxbury, was a wonderful host. Many thanks! By the appointed hour, a small, but enthusiastic crowd of mystery lovers were already waiting. Considering that the heavens had absolutely opened up at 6:55, I was delighted that so many had ventured out to share their love of the genre. We sat in a slightly damp circle, ate chocolate, and chatted about the murder game. Janet Evanovich (a special favorite because of her New Jersey roots), Rita Mae Brown, Lillian Jackson Braun, even Jessica Fletcher were all praised for providing readers with mysteries that were complex, but fun. I heard a couple of new series I now want to read.

The hour went by waaay too quickly. Books were sold and signed, and then I was on my way back up I-80. Lots of mystery friends in Jersey.

Evelyn David

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