I just finished book seven, and I have that feeling that I always get when I finish a nice fat mystery--kind of lost, like I was inhabiting a world and was suddenly sent home. A sort of death, really.

So now I must go through my book pile and decide what's next--but Harry, I must say, is a tough act to follow. JKR filled seven huge books full of history for each character so that a reader is left feeling that they grew up with these people, went to school with them--what an amazing achievement for a writer!

When I grow up I want to be JK Rowling. :)

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Comment by Julia Buckley on July 27, 2007 at 6:10am
Yeah. I'm still in deep discussions with all of my Harry P pals, discussing what was a surprise, what wasn't, what I wish had been, etc. But all of it is an homage to the fact that this book was the sort you just immerse yourself in. Naturally I'll probably just start re-reading them now.

Kudos to JK.
Comment by Lesa Holstine on July 27, 2007 at 5:07am
Julia - You summed this up perfectly. I had a hard time finding anything else to read after leaving Harry's world. It took me three days. I'm reading nonfiction right now. Fiction just doesn't take Harry's place.

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