First of all you need to understand: I'm a dancer, not a fighter. It was all so innocent to begin with. I'm at a club down on 43rd, dancing for the ladies. I gotta tell ya, they love it when I get in the groove on a Saturday night. I got the physique, the walk, the dance moves--everything a woman's man needs.

So I'm dancin', and this girl comes over and starts dancing with me. We are like liquid together, sliding around the floor in perfect sync. All of a sudden this guy steps up and shoves me in the chest. Now I admit we were getting pretty sexy, but it was just the dance, right? It didn't mean anything. But he's all macho and nasty, and he tells me I'd better leave or I might not have such a pretty face anymore.

Now I don't get mad easy, but this guy is trying to kick me outa my favorite club. I gave him a shove back, just a little one, I swear, and tell him to take his girlfriend and go somewheres else if he ain't likin' the action around here.

That did it. He pulled a knife and came at me. I don't know how I did it, but my dance moves probably helped. I'm quick and I'm strong. Anyway, next thing I know, he's on the floor and the knife is stickin' out of his chest. I got outa there fast, I can tell you!

This morning the New York Times says that "Big Solly" Solomon's son, Little Sol, was murdered in a dance club, and you don't know the effect that has on a man! The girl claims I just walked up and stabbed the guy, so not only are the cops looking for me, but so are half the hoods in the city. Rumor has it that Solly promised a million dollars to the guy who brings him my head and, uh, certain other body parts.

So I'm sitting here in the bus station, dressed as a woman and carrying my clothes wrapped in a blanket to look like I've got a baby. It's all I could think of. I won't be dancin' for a while, but this way, even though every bit of me is shaking and my world is breakin', I'm stayin'--unless Big Solly catches up with me--alive.

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