The month of September has me waxing sentimental. First, hard as it is to believe, my wonderful (Yes, the best guy in the world!) husband and I are celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary. My, time flies when you're having fun.

September, 2007, is also the month in which I'll attend my high school reunion. And it's not my tenth or twenty-fifth. Nope. I won't say which one, but my! Time flies when you're having fun.

There are a number of birthdays this month, too. My baby nephew who's no baby anymore has a birthday the day after his wife's. My twin nieces (OK, technically I'm not their aunt but they call me Aunt Cheri) turn **gasp** the big something-O (I won't tell) on our anniversary. My best friend from junior high and high school also has a birthday that day. Happy Birthday, Carolyne, wherever you are, friend.

So how am I spending most of September? Writing my book (with its looming Dec. 1 deadline) with the Weather Channel on in the background. I live in Florida, and September is, unfortunately, the peak of hurricane season. I'm praying for calm weather even as a category 5 churns in the Caribbean (Felix).

Happy Labor Day, everyone! Now, back to writing. (My, time flies when you're on deadline!!!!)


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