Karen Fossum, Norway and the Lofoten Islands

I just posted a few comments on my blog about authors linked to Henning Mankell, the Swedish writer, by sharing a common reading audience. Several things may interest people:

1. The ability to type in an author's name and learn what other authors are favored by the first author's audience. For some reason, I find it difficult to describe this process, but it is obvious if you try it. The only thing I'm not sure of is where the data come from, but "they" know everything about "us" these days- ain't that the truth!

2. People who read Mankell's books also read crime fiction by the Norwegian author Karen Fossum, and I really enjoyed her book Don't Look Back.

3. Remembering Fossum brought back memories of Norway, which is one one the most beautiful places I have ever been. I particularly recommend the Lofoten Islands, which are high above the Arctic Circle. I was able to link to a few places with some spectacular photos. I'll try to hunt down some public domain pictures to add to the post.

4. I remembered one of the earliest crime books I read, which is still great for young kids: Emil and the Detectives by Eric Kästner.

5. I posted a note about crimespace and all of the authors who have contacted me.

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