Thanks to all who have stopped by my review site. I've mixed in a few other things with the crime lately, and will continue to do so, but I could review crime for years without picking up another book, so there is lots more to write.
I don't see any mention of Leslie Glass in the recent discussions (women writers, etc.). I happen to like her books quite a lot and think they are terrific police procedurals. They have a lot of suspense coupled with great character development, both within the books and from book to book. Am I nuts? Any other takers/fans of April Wu?
I also have to say that I've only seen Steel Guitar mentioned (once), and no other work by Linda Barnes referred to anywhere. I find Carlotta C. to be entertaining, with a an excellent cast of supporting characters. The books are not completely consistent in quality, but they are always a good read.
With Jonathan Kellerman, I find a real dilemma: I like his characters (the Dr. and the Detective) and want to read about them while they solve crimes and dodge bullets. I care about them. But, the bad guys often seem so over the top that I almost expect a crowd of jump-suit wearing men to stop by from a James Bond movie to act as their bodyguards. Can't I have a nice serial killer who is a sociopath and needs to be brought to justice, without making him a comic book villain because of the magnitude of his megalomania? Am I asking for too much? I mean, I know he sells billions of copies, but I feel like playing Borges and re-publishing them under the name K. Jellerman, with nothing changed except the bad guys.
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