Just completed the 1st draft of my fourth novel

Five minutes ago I completed the 1st draft of my fourth novel: Cornelius--the Orphan. Since no one is around and everyone I know is at work, I thought I'd tell my Crimespace friends. Now for the fun part: editing and re-editing and....

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Comment by Alison Pearce on January 6, 2008 at 8:36am
That's fantastic Douglas! Glad you're approaching the painful stage of editing so stoically!
Comment by Douglas Quinn on November 21, 2007 at 8:12am
Mari: Actually, this book has been in my mind for a decade and I've known the ending for at least the last several years. However, you are correct that both my editor and myself will be going through it again...and again...and.... In the meantime, I'm beginning book #5 on January 1st--the next book in the Webb Sawyer Mystery Series called Pelican Point.
Comment by Mari Sloan on November 17, 2007 at 12:23pm


Now take at least an hour break before you start tearing it apart. Think about all the things you don't have to worry about now. You know how it ends!!!!!!!

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