A welcome review nine months after publication

I'm beginning to tool up for publication and promotion of my new mystery, DEATH WILL HELP YOU LEAVE HIM. My debut mystery, DEATH WILL GET YOU SOBER, is gone from most bookstore shelves, though it's in the computers and booksellers can easily get it for a customer who wants it. And of course it's still in libraries and on Amazon and B&N. But I was surprised and thrilled to get a Google Alert that told me the book had just been reviewed on something called The AA Blog.

I know enough about AA to know this blog is not in any way affiliated with AA itself, which doesn't do blogs, book clubs, or many staples of public communication and commerce according to its traditions of anonymity, attraction rather than promotion, remaining completely nonprofessional, each meeting being fully self-supporting, and endorsing only it's own conference-approved literature. But I assume this anonymous blog is written and read by people in recovery, ie the very people I think will enjoy my book (along with mystery lovers), so this review is an unsolicited plum for me.

Getting a novel published was only a piece of the dream that's been coming true for me in the past nine months. I also hoped that people would find merit in the work and say I'd pulled off the challenging task I'd set myself. This anonymous reviewer, bless him or her, thinks I have.

"With an extensive background dealing with issues of alcoholism, addiction, and codependency among others, one would expect a novel full of jargon and information dumping on the subject. One would be very wrong....Elizabeth Zelvin has managed to capture the reality of alcoholism and detox, with its black humor and tragedy. Her characters are realistic examples of people struggling with their sobriety, and her pictures of AA meetings are very realistic. Death Will Get You Sober will strike home with anyone familiar with alcoholism or the addictions field."

See why I'm happy?

Views: 31


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Comment by Brian Kavanagh on April 26, 2009 at 7:34pm
Elizabeth, best wishes for the new book and a successful launch.
m Cheers,
Comment by I. J. Parker on January 27, 2009 at 4:47am
Congrats!!! How do you get a google alert?

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