I often like to use this blog to point you to an interesting website, even if it is my own. Today I’d like to introduce you to Kayla Williams.

I met Kayla at one of my many Mall store book signings. She is a military veteran and author of “Love My Rifle More Than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army.” The book is her very honest account of her Iraq service. Her personal memoir recounts the fear, bad weather, intermittent supplies, inedible meals and crushing boredom of life in the field. She also gives a uniquely female take on the bantering and brutality of barracks life.

I didn’t know all that when she picked up a copy of Collateral Damage. I checked her out after she wrote to me with a very considered review of the book, the kind only another writer might deliver, specifically commenting on characters, plot and setting. I was flattered and humbled by her words, and just had to use them as my new featured review on my web site.

Thank you, Kayla, both for your service to our nation and for your kind words and canny critique.

Read Kayla Williams’ review.

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