Another reader has sent me some wonderful feedback. I’d like for you to meet Andre McGuinness.
I met Andre the last time I visited the Capital Centre's Borders. He picked up a copy of Russian Roulette then, even though he said he wasn't a mystery fan. He e-mailed me later with many nice things to say about the book which I of course appreciated. At the same time he took me to task for not putting more action into the book. He wanted more shootouts and a few more bloody fistfights. Then he said that the book felt like an old P.I. story, which I took as a compliment.
I hope that Andre reads The Payback Assignment or The Orion Assignment to get more action into his reading diet. Meanwhile I was flattered enough by his note to post much of his e-mail as this week’s featured review on my website - Thank you Andre, for your kind words, and even your criticisms.
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