Dana Rae posted this on Amazon about The Troubleshooter:

“I learned of this book on LinkedIn and the brief premise presented there intrigued me. I was not disappointed. Camacho writes a fast paced book and develops his characters so well, you feel as if you know them well. Hannibal's mission is to rescue and resurrect an apartment building, which has been taken over by druggies and drug dealers. In the process, he recruits men who have been living with little to no purpose in their lives, depending on homeless shelters and cardboard boxes. Given a purpose in life and the opportunity to earn honest money, these men become a tight unit. In the process of reclaiming the building for its owner, he also rescues and resurrects a neighborhood, which has had little hope of taking back their own streets and living peacefully and productively. The methods used aren't always pretty, but when you're up against a small time crime boss, a mob leader and a lot of guns, pretty isn't necessarily effective. Hannibal and his recruits are.

I hadn't realized this was a prequel to other books by Camacho, but I'll certainly look forward to reading his other offerings.” http://www.amazon.com/Troubleshooter-Austin-S-Camacho/dp/0976218127...

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