Yes, it's back! Once again, I get to dust off the transporter's controls and visit with another series of authors to discuss writing, books, and a few surprises along the way.

This week I went to pick up Elise Warner and take her wherever she wanted to go. She mentioned Italy and Australia, but chose as our destination: Nowhere.

Nope, we stayed in her New York City home and I enjoyed an excellent meal of spinach ziti, and Italian salad, a fine Pinot Grigio and chocolate gelato for dessert. (I skipped the coffee.)

1. Who are you and what makes you the most fascinating person in your city?

My professional name is Elise Warner. I began using it when I was a singer, then an actress and a stage manager. Became addicted to writing and continued to use the name. Being interested in other people, the streets of the city, conversations I’ve had and conversations I’ve eavesdropped on all contribute to writing—perhaps that’s what makes all writers fascinating.

2. Without revealing a deep dark secret (unless you want to), what one thing would people be surprised to learn about you?

I used to be shy—but a writer needs a bit of aggression.

3. What interested you to become a writer rather than something else such as a deep sea diver?

I’ve always read and my mother told me stories every time it rained. She also added a bit of local color which made them stick in my mind. I did think about becoming an archeologist but tossed that idea when I realized there would be no indoor plumbing.

4. Writers are readers. With which author(s) would you enjoy sharing dinner?

John Galsworthy. Colin Dexter. Charles Dickens and so many others. Why? I read Galsworthy over and over again and find new meanings in the characters he portrays. Colin Dexter because I had a crush on his Inspector Morse and Charles Dickens because I want to ask him an inappropriate question.

5. If I were stranded on a deserted island or suffering from a four hour layover at the airport, why would your book(s) be great company?

Scene Stealer is a cozy and I believe the characters in the book would be fun to get to know. I enjoyed writing about them—in fact I’m writing about a second book about Augusta Weidenmaier (my retired school-teacher and amateur sleuth)—she nagged me into it and she’s usually right.

6. Share your process of writing in regards to: plot and character development, story outline, research (do you Google or visit places/people, or make it up on the spot), writing schedule, editing and number of rewrites.

I’m character oriented, plop my rear end in a chair every day and write. Prefer the mornings. I do a lot of research, particularly when I write non-fiction I visit, Google and contact experts if needed—most are lovely.

7. “I think I have a good idea for a story, but I don't know where or how to begin. Your process may not work for me. Any advice?”

Think about your idea when you can’t sleep, when you walk. Jot down information about your characters. Who, what, where, when and why helps.

8. I saw an amusing T-shirt the other day which read, “Every great idea I have gets me in trouble.” What is your philosophy of life?

When things go wrong, give yourself a kick in the butt and get on with it.

9. Please tell me you're not going to stop writing? What's next for you?

Never. I told you I’m addicted to writing. Have a new novel I’ll be sending out to all the powers that be, working on a new Augusta Weidenmaier and writing more non-fiction articles.

10. Where can people find more information on you and your projects?

I blog at, My author page is and Scene Stealer--a cozy, mystery eBook may be found at Amazon and Barnes& Noble, Carina Press and wherever eBooks are sold.

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