Author seminar in Washington DC this Weekend

Saturday I will help present a seminar entitled "Internet Basics for Authors" at the next meeting of the National League of American Pen Women.  The objective is to show authors how to strengthen their brand through social networking and the use of Web 2.0 to establish a strong internet presence.  I'll share the podium with Trish Wootten, who presides over the National League of American Pen Women District of Columbia Branch, the oldest women’s artist group in the country and its founding branch.  Trish is a health writer for various websites and publications, the Health Columnist for, the DC Nutrition Examiner for, and a contributing writer for The use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media are a mainstay of her promotional efforts to engage audiences and maintain awareness of current trends.


If you're a writer and you'd like to know how social networks can help you, how to leverage these networks, which of the many social networks are most useful for authors and whether or not you should be tweeting on Twitter, this is the seminar for you.  Join us at 1300 Seventeenth St, NW, Washington DC, starting at 1pm.  It's free, but please let me know you're coming so we can be sure to have enough snacks.

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