Borders Express manager Russ really took good care of me yesterday. When I arrived the posters were up, he had been handing out bookmarks all week and there was a table at the entrance for me to take over. Oddly, now that I had copies of Russian Roulette available, just as many people still wanted the earlier Hannibal Jones books. Not that I mind. Once they’re hooked they return for the new book and Borders Express in Westfield Mall will have them.
On line, my friend and fellow author Morgan Mandel mentioned me during her Blog Book Tour for her latest novel, “Killer Career.” I was an early reader and loved her novel enough to blurb it, but that’s not why she name-checked me. In her post on Lillie Ammann’s excellent blog, “
A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye,” Morgan mentioned that I helped her publish “Killer Career.” I was flattered of course, but more intrigued by her having the courage to reveal part of her writer’s journey in this way.
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