I almost forgot to tell you what's been happening. ;-)

It was a weekend of ups and downs but with good points throughout. The weather was awful Friday night so the St Charles Town Center was empty, which means almost no one wandered into the Borders Express there to pick up one of my books. It happens that way sometimes, but I did make more plans for the big release of Russian Roulette and thanks to my good friend Beth I did have some excellent barbecue at a Waldorf eatery.

On the other hand, my class at the Chesterfield County Public Library Writers Workshop was well received Saturday, and the short book signing afterward was very successful.

By Sunday the weather was downright beautiful, so Fair Oaks Mall was packed and I signed enough books at the Borders Express there to make up for Friday’s disappointing showing.

Even better, I was alerted to the very first published review of Russian Roulette. I sent an advance review copy to Thomas Duff (aka "Duffbert") who is one of the Top 25 Amazon Book Reviewers. He wrote back in due time to thank me for the book and let me know that he posted his review to Amazon, Twitter, and his blog. Now the review won’t actually appear on Amazon until the book leaves pre-sale status and becomes available, but you can read it now.

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