If you missed my Monday post yesterday, it's a Tuesday post today. I was in transit from BoucherCon to home, and I just couldn't fit any more in.

Today is catch-up day, but I had to say here how much fun Bcon was, even though I often feel like a small fish in a big pond at such events. Rubbing elbows with the greats of our field, meeting lots of fans, and talking, talking, talking about books is a great way to take a break from real life and at the same time learn what is real in writing and publishing.

The conference was well done. The MWA Breakfast hosted by the Midwest chapter was great, thanks in large part to our president, Tony Perona. (I know he had help, but the boss gets the biggest headaches.)

I got to spend time with friends I'd met before: Luci Zahray (the Poison Lady); P.J. Coldren, reviewer; Donna White Glaser, author. I also met some interesting new people: a judge who loves reading mysteries, a woman who's turning her love of mystery into a review blog, and a lot of librarians out combing the titles for what their readers will want.

It was great. I'm tired, but more than ever aware that this is what I love.

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