This is my first post on this site, so I'll give you a little background about myself. I gave up my day job a few years back to become a full time writer. I'd had the idea for a crime novel for many years, but never had time to actually put in the work needed. Well, it was a struggle, but I finally completed my first novel "Broken". For about a year I thought about submitting to a publisher, but could not write a synopsis that I really thought did the book justice. In the end I choose to go down the self-publishing route. Well, after much editing and re-editing and even more editing, I managed to get the damn thing published on Amazon. Don't know if it will sell, but for me it was a labour of love. The other day I worked out how much money I would have made staying in my full-time job. It was quite a lot! Believe me, I'm never going to make that much by self publishing. Anyway, I'm out there now in print and in Kindle. I bought a copy myself the other day, I might even read it! 

At the risk of breaking the BSP (blatant self promotion) rule? As well as writing crime novels I also DJ in the virtual world on MIxcloud. As I just do this for pleasure, as opposed to financial gain. I don't think it's to cheeky to ask you to check it out.

So, that's me. If you fancy a chat or care to share some information about books you love, authors you love (or hate) I'm here for you.

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Comment by Dana King on October 10, 2014 at 4:57am

Welcome, Tony. Some promotion is okay in the blog section here, not in the forum, so I'd say you're okay. Good luck with the book, and feel free to prompt some discussions.

Comment by Liam Saville on October 5, 2014 at 11:01pm

Welcome to CrimeSpace, Tony.  All the best with your book.

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