This is my first post on this site, so I'll give you a little background about myself. I gave up my day job a few years back to become a full time writer. I'd had the idea for a crime novel for many years, but never had time to actually put in the work needed. Well, it was a struggle, but I finally completed my first novel "Broken". For about a year I thought about submitting to a publisher, but could not write a synopsis that I really thought did the book justice. In the end I choose to go down the self-publishing route. Well, after much editing and re-editing and even more editing, I managed to get the damn thing published on Amazon. Don't know if it will sell, but for me it was a labour of love. The other day I worked out how much money I would have made staying in my full-time job. It was quite a lot! Believe me, I'm never going to make that much by self publishing. Anyway, I'm out there now in print and in Kindle. I bought a copy myself the other day, I might even read it!
At the risk of breaking the BSP (blatant self promotion) rule? As well as writing crime novels I also DJ in the virtual world on MIxcloud. As I just do this for pleasure, as opposed to financial gain. I don't think it's to cheeky to ask you to check it out.
So, that's me. If you fancy a chat or care to share some information about books you love, authors you love (or hate) I'm here for you.
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