Changes, Changes and still more changes!!

Hello again! I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving with your families and are looking forward to a very nice Christmas season. We have made some changes recently here @ Gelati’s Scoop and I just wanted to take
a moment out of the day and explain the whys and what nots to you if you don’t
mind. The reasoning I have is very simple: I really don’t have a choice in the
simple category; it is just who I am.

I think that as soon as you click onto the blog you notice the Amazon banner at the top. I have installed it for your ease of use. I have been told by many that the little stores I have setup are just too difficult to
navigate and when you wish to purchase novels from the site here, it is a pain
in the- you- know -where. I think most readers have come to understand my
support for the authors ( both traditionally published and self-published), and
I try to make it as easy as possible for you to get your hands on their novels,
books, digital shorts, and graphic novels, and ebooks.

We are coming into an important time of year not just because Santa is coming, but also the fact that he may be delivering many new ereading devices to people young and old. We have been fortunate to have been
the recipient of many guest posts over the many months since we started in
mid-March. To make this paragraph short, what I’m trying to say is we will be
rerunning, via Twitter, the link to some of those guest posts so you can get a
feel not just for the author’s works, but for the authors themselves. I have
really come to enjoy reading that extra window into their world that they have
been gracious enough to give us. Please feel free to follow us on Twitter if
you haven’t already or check the following places for the links: our Facebook
wall, the blog has our Tweets, you can now follow us on Wattpad (I will be
running many of them in their entirety there as we are fairly new there).

I know, I have spoken too much, end it already. Hey, I really want to thank everyone for being so kind and understanding as I have been stumbling, falling, trying to get back up again, and constantly changing
things. Much of the changes I make are direct results of your input. I want to
thank you for that and hope that you will continue to give it to me. I take the
good with the bad and try to learn from all of it. The changes in the format (adding
Romantic Wednesday, Digital Short Saturday, & Self-Published Sunday) have
been incredibly well received and I want to thank you. Basically I am very
thankful for everything; I hope that you can and do understand that and support
our efforts here. Remember, just click the banner at the top of the blog, it
takes you directly to Amazon where you can shop for all things that are Amazon.
So, pickup that author’s work, support them in a way that validates them and
have a fun time doing it. It will save you the time clicking away to do it and
you can get in that extra shopping that you have been wanting to do, all from
the same place. The Gelatis and I would like to thank you and yours for being
so kind to us. We plan on finishing the year strong, and having 2011 be an
incredible year. Thanks again.

What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Shelfari & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on
Twitter, Wattpad and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can
shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you
tomorrow. Have a great day.

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