Allow me to, for a moment, toot my horn. I have finally won a competition. It's not a writing competition, though. It's a competition hosted by an author. Does that still count?

Accomplished author and Crime Space member Shirley Wells recently asked people for their best tidbits of advice. The best would win a copy of her new novel, "Where Petals Fall." My entry, along with two other bits, won. Yee haw.

Here is the proof, per Ms. Wells's blog:

The next winner was Benjamin Sobieck (hmm, another from the US) whose advice came from his father: ‘I tend to listen to people who know what the hell they're talking about.' I’m going to bear that in mind because I always seem to find myself listening to people who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

I can't wait to crack open the new book. It's just in time for read-outside-in-the-sunshine weather. If you're reading this, a million thanks to you Ms. Wells.

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