Crime author, Pauline Rowson celebrates the crime genre for National Crime Writing Week

National Crime Writing Week kicks off today in the UK and runs until June 19, 2011. This  doesn't mean that everyone should start writing crime fiction and neither does it mean that us crime writers will be furiously scribbling away during the week to meet some magical target, or because it's the only week of the year when we can write. No, the purpose of National Crime Writing Week is to celebrate the crime genre and to encourage those who wouldn't normally read a crime novel to give it a go or those who are crime fiction fans to perhaps try a different crime writer from their usual tipple. And there is so much to choose from.

There's British crime novels, American crime novels and a whole range in between (and not just Swedish either, but French, Italian, Danish, Egyptian and so many more).  Then there's a huge range of crime novels within the genre: cosy and romantic; hard boiled and gritty; detective and private investigator; historical, futuristic, and contemporary.  There are also thrillers and novels set against a vast swathe of backgrounds from the sea ( my own) to the Lake District, Yorkshire, Scotland, and everywhere in between. There's  something to suit every one's palette.

My marine mystery crime novels in the DI Andy Horton series are usually classed as police procedural although I see them as detective novels. They are set in the modern day and against the backdrop of the sea on the south coast of England; the Solent area and Portsmouth. 

I've also written two stand alone thrillers: In Cold Daylight, which was voted number three by the public in a World Book Day poll and In For The Kill. My crime and thriller novels are featured at some great prices on Amazon and on The Book Depository with free worldwide delivery, and most are available as e books and on Kindle. You can also borrow them from libraries around the UK and in the USA.

There are many events taking place around the UK by crime writers during National Crime Writing Week, so do visit the National Crime Writing Week website to see what is happening in your area. You can also look for crime authors on the CWA web site.

Whatever you're reading,enjoy it.

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