Digital short Saturday Big Daddy Abel Open Mic Volume Two

Humor comes in many different forms. Yesterday I touched on Tom Sumner’s All I Wanted Was a Haircut. His brand of humor is a bit different from BDA (I need to save keystrokes here people, so from now on through this post I am going to refer to Big Daddy Abel as BDA), all of it in good way. Besides that, I needed to lighten the mood today from my earlier post on Laurie Bowler’s Across the City Chapter Two. There is no bloodletting or vampires in BDA’s Open Mic Volume Two, hopefully that doesn’t bum you out. Here is what you can find on your ereader if you download this fine feat of whimsy for the requisite $.99:

“Right on the heels of the wildly successful debut Open Mic, comes what else, Open Mic Volume 2! Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a Rocker? What do you think it is like when Big Daddy Abel bumps into famous people? Be ready to laugh till it hurts with this next installment of the Open Mic series. Feel the heart, the soul of Big Daddy Abel, as he lays it out there for all to read.

Here is bit of what is in Big Daddy Abel's Mind:

One of Big Daddy Abel’s favorite quotes, "So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future."

Here are some of his favorite bands/musicians: Van Halen (1976-1984), The Beatles, Aerosmith (1973-1989), The Black Crowes, Prince, Seal, Led Zeppelin, Butch Walker/The Marvelous 3, Stevie Wonder, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Alice in Chains, Love/Hate, Buckcherry, The Cure, George Clinton, Mozart, Electric Mayhem, The Soggy Bottom Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Fishbone, Too Much Joy, Beethoven, the kid down the street learning guitar.”

I added some of his bio so you can get a groove on where the man is coming from. When it comes to humor, I think the person’s background and motivation is important. I get to go toe to toe with BDA in The G-ZONE March 22nd @2.30PM EST and I will ask him just that. What is your motivation? Where do you get this stuff? I think you will find the answers to the questions rather moving and insightful. The man does actually wear his heart on his sleeve. Have you seen his pictures on Facebook, all 4900 of them? That type of honesty and care when he is having his photo taken with others can’t be faked. The man actually cares; that to me is hallmark, and it shines right through on the virtual page. For me it burns brighter than anything. Laughing is one thing, and I did that while reading this installment, no doubt about that, but the lynchpin for me was the brutal honesty and sincerity in his writing. I find it not just refreshing, but a breath of fresh air in a very stale place. Give Big Daddy Abel a try, you will laugh but you will also be touched.

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