Finally: FOUL SHOT, a Wray Larrick Mystery

Well, after a million years of considering it, I relented and had a murder mystery novel put up on Amazon in ebook format, but not before having to hire someone to do it because I don't know how. The paperback will have to come later. Typing is tough enough for me, and computers--past making a Word doc and doing email, and maybe a little surfing--are from outer space, while I'm from the Stone Age. So shoot me.

Don't even know how to put up the cover here. And not worried about it. My daughter does most of my daily online requirements past the elementary functions mentioned above. I've promised to do better in the next life, but she's not holding her breath.

Anyway, this thing sat in a desk drawer for over a decade, was begun in about 1995 or so, when cell phones were big as shoes, and finished in 2004, though I've updated it somewhat. It's a private eye story involving my character and his former lover, a beautiful TV news correspondent, working the case of a superstar female athlete killed in North Carolina. Suspects are the victim's renown super coach, her ex-boyfriend who's a pro football linebacker, a security guard with a pornographic past, and a mobbed-up  lawyer. Setting is the Carolina Crystal Coast, south Louisiana, and  Philadelphia, briefly. My boy Larrick arrives on the scene to find himself in a sinister world of rich, powerful women, among others, and dealing with an earthy but honest defense lawyer who's kind of a giant Andy Griffith.

Sample chapters are up for reading, if interested.

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