Hello to everyone and welcome to the middle of the week. Joy of joys. Things have been hopping here @ Gelati’s Scoop/ The G-Zone  and I couldn’t be happier. The rest of the week we have some really nice novels, and digital shorts to feature. Our guests the next few days are a great assortment of genres and personalities. Thursday in the G-Zone is Gary Ponzo, today’s featured author/post, and on Friday in a return engagement Leonardo Ramirez author of the graphic novel Haven and the soon to be released full length novel Haven. Not too bad. Let’s get to today’s novel and have some fun shall we? Did you know this novel has 41 five star reviews on Amazon Kindle? 51 ratings overall. Again, not too shabby. Here is what is between the virtual covers:

“Winner of the 2009 Southwest Writers Novel Contest, Thriller category!FBI agent Nick Bracco can't stop a Kurdish terrorist from firing missiles at random homes across the country. The police can't stand watch over every household, so Bracco recruits his cousin Tommy to help track down this terrorist. Tommy is in the Mafia. Oh yeah, it gets messy fast. As fast as you can turn the pages.”

I am a big fan of this kind of stuff. My fingers, excuse me, my thumbs were sore when I got done this. They couldn’t click fast enough. My eyes did not want to leave the Kindle. This is an awesome novel and a worthy read. The characters are great, the action intense, and Gary Ponzo knows how to craft a story. This puts the words, ”Bang for the Buck”, in a new light. The download is $.99, a great bargain. I want to include his bio in this post, because it goes a long way to explain the workings of this novel. He sounds like a blast, has lead a very colored life, and I am looking forward to yapping with him tomorrow on The G-ZONE. Here you go, read it; enjoy the day, and talk to you soon everybody!

“Author Gary Ponzo began his writing career over a decade ago by writing short stories. He quickly discovered a knack for the short form. In just five years he'd published seven short stories in various publications, two of which were nominated for the very prestigious Pushcart Prize.


His first novel, "A Touch of Deceit," took five years to write and one to pick clean. The story was born from his childhood experiences working in his father's candy store in Brooklyn, NY. His father was Sicilian and became friendly with some local members of a different kind of Sicilian family. Since Gary was just fifteen at the time, these family members would make sure he was protected whenever he would work late at night by himself. He soon discovered a side to the mafia not many people knew. It was these relationships which caused him to write about Sicilian FBI agent, Nick Bracco, who recruits his mafia cousin to chase down the world's most feared terrorist.


"A Touch of Deceit," went on to win the 2009 Southwest Writers Novel Contest, Thriller category. He is working on the sequel to the novel as well as continuing to publish his short stories. Gary currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife Jennifer and two children, Jessica and Kyle.”

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