Get Over 60 New Twitter Followers in Twitter Hop

Last year at this time, I hated Twitter, but now I love it. It has become my favorite social network. Through Twitter, I’ve found new readers for my books, met bloggers, reviewers and interviewers who featured my books, kept up on news in my areas of interest, and just met some all around nice people.


Using Twitter takes some trial and error to get used to it, however, and that’s why I’m hosting Twitter Week on my blog. I published two helpful posts on how you can use Twitter more effectively by using sites such as Hootsuite, Social Oomph, and Just Unfollow, and I'm also sponsoring a Twitter Hop.  So far, we have 60 participants in the Twitter Hop who are eagerly following newcomers back.  All you have to do is head over to my blog, leave your shortened Twitter URL in the comments, and start following those above you. As you follow, you can send them a quick note on Twitter saying you're coming from the hop.


Although anyone is welcome to join the hop, it has been primarily marketed to authors, book bloggers, reviewers, readers, and Mom bloggers and they make up the bulk of the participants. If you're looking to network with these groups of people and expand your reach on Twitter, then come on over to


While you're there, you can also follow links to the other articles.

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