Ponzied Guest Post

One of the joys in writing fiction is the development of a character that can carry the writer through the entire story. Sometimes that character isn’t
even there at the start of the novel. He
isn’t even there at the original outline of the story.

I have written three novels with Wayne Davis as the central character. In the first book, ‘The Cutting Edge’, Wayne wasn’t even on my radar screen at the
start. This was going to be a story of a
country music band that was about to head to Nashville, with very high hopes.
Their van, with all their equipment was stolen.
Toby, the band leader, and lead guitar player, was highly motivated to
get his van back, so he heads out west in pursuit of the thieves.

However, along the way he meets, you guessed it, Wayne Davis, a former policeman, who is a throwback to Texas cowboys. He wears a cowboy hat, cowboy boots and Stetson
hat. Wayne immediately becomes the focus
of the chase, as Toby could not have done it on his own. Wayne is also a man of
principled action, and has fun doing it.

Now, because Wayne Davis is such an interesting and compelling character, I just had to develop him further. Thus my next novel: ‘Saving Vegas’. Wayne is
now working for the casinos, along with playing an occasional poker game. I hadn’t planned on getting him romantically
involved, but a professional poker player named Ruby Redstone was in one of his
games, and sure enough another wonderful character appears that I hadn’t planned

Wayne has now developed into a real American hero. There was a terrorist attempt on Las Vegas, and fortunately Wayne and his new buddy, Rhino, are able
to thwart it just in time.

In my newest novel, Ponzied, I weave together a Ponzi scheme, also taking place in Las Vegas. Wayne is now married to Ruby, and living in Amarillo. His “friend”, Big Daddy, wants him to come to Vegas and get him out
of trouble. Wayne uncovers a terrorist attack being planned against Israel.
Once again, he is immersed in another heroic attempt to stop it.

This novel also introduces another character that I had no idea of developing when I outlined the original story. Rebo Rabin, an Israeli Commando, has escaped from an Iranian prison. He comes to
America, and ends up in Las Vegas. Wayne
meets his match when he and Rebo team up. Together they make an incredible team
in their attempt to stop this attack against Israel.

Wayne Davis has evolved through the three novels. He has always been his own man, a man of courage. He has become a true American hero, one who is willing to face danger head on, as much as any true patriot
would, to help his country.

Oh, by the way, I am a self-published author, but I think you knew that already. All of my books are available on Amazon.com.

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