G'day possums...okay, first thing first, we don't call ourselves possums here. It's either Drongo, Galah, or China Plate (as in Mate). What's the purpose of me writing here...oh, yeah, to talk about writing crime. I'm only the new kid on the block (no, no, no, not that poofy band Gawd sake!!), new to crime writing. I'm attempting a novella featuring an Australian Private Investigator named Harry Fysh (cool name eh?) who investigates the paranormal crimes. I've written a couple of short stories featuring Fysh but finding it hard to get them publish. Don't worry Fysh will be out there in the big bad world of crime writing. Takes time I believe... which is a bastard. Also I'm writing a ghost story (just finished one today. Now for the second draft) plus a few articles. Man, no bloody wonder I'm balder than a Galah's backside with all the writing I'm doing. Hope I don't suffer from the dreaded writer's block (that cursed word... like saying to an actor "MacBeth"). My story takes place (this is Harry Fysh I'm driveling on about) in 1931. No more. That's all I'm saying. I'm very superstitious, you see. Before I write I twirl around in a circle five times while standing on one leg and touching my nose, then I would bath in blood of virgins (as if there's still any these days), find a Bandicoot, kill it, skin it and wear its' pelt as underpants before I start writing. That's all I can think of for the moment so see yah lata (in an Aussie accent) and oh, we are knocking off camels because they're a bloody big pest over here
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