This week we see the crossover of two powerful religions as Passover starts the day before Good Friday, and I can’t help but think about the commonalities rather than the differences.

For one thing, we can all enjoy watching Charlton Heston in The 10 Commandments this weekend. Heston is known more recently for his support of the National Rifle Association and one might think that if the ancient Israelites had owned guns, all the plagues and sea parting might not have been necessary and the Jews might have been able to just fire a few warning shots and head off for Mt. Sinai.

But the more important message Passover holds for Christians was stated nicely by Rabbi Lazar Brody: “Leavened bread is symbolic of a puffed up ego and intellect. Matzo is the symbol of simple faith. During Passover, we leave the prison of our own intellectual confinement to put our simple trust in God. For some folks, that's a tough task. Without faith, there's no freedom and no redemption."

Likewise, William Penn addressed the importance of suffering very poetically, but not in reference to Passover, but rather to Good Friday: “No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.”

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