It's time to choose the next book. My second Simon & Elizabeth (POISON, YOUR GRACE) and my paranormal, THE DEAD DETECTIVE AGENCY, are both in the editing process, so there is nothing I can do about them until I get the editors' suggestions. My newest endeavor, which I titled DEAD INSIDE, is awaiting word from an agent or two. So what do I want to do next?

The perspiration part: write the third of the historical series. I have it outlined on my handy-dandy little tape recorder, and I know and like the characters. I've researched the history. The next step will be to start putting it into real words.

But inspiration just hit on what the next book of the DEAD INSIDE series should be. I find I'm excited about writing that one, too. The plot is evolving, the characters have begun to talk in my head. So do I write the book I know I need to write, or the book that calls to me?

I have to tell you, it's a dilemma I have no problem harboring. I love having two exciting, absorbing projects to choose from. So much better than real life, and I have TWO ways to escape!

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