Back in April this year, I fired off a story in the general direction of that award winning home of fine fiction, Thrillers, Killers 'N' Chillers.

I had forgotten all about it, (or maybe subconsciously I just blocked it out) until an e-mail from new crime editor and former Flash Fiction Offensive head honcho, David Barber hit my in box the other week.

David had found my beer stained, unintelligible scribble languishing in his virtual slush pile and actually thought there might be a story lurking in there somewhere. I read it back and thought he might be right, but it would need a major surgery to get to it. I started pounding the keyboard into submission and the result is 'Jacks Queen's & Evens'. It's a story about of two kinds of dealer, backlit by the colorfulunderbelly of  a Nevada gaming town, that may or may not be Reno, Okay it is Reno.

A big shout needs to go to David for his help in knocking this one into shape.

I'm delighted say you can now find it here: TKnC - Jacks, Queens & Evens

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