LINK TO TODAY'S COLUMN - http://exm.nr/KforKeepWriting


As writers, we all say that we will keep writing. Oh yeah, write every day. Some of us do and some of us don't. I decided this would make a great topic for my column today in the Las Vegas edition of Examiner.com. Those of you who follow it, might notice that lately many of the columns start with letters of the alphabet. That's because I'm in the process of using my Writers tricks of the trade column to jumpstart the manuscript for a book of the same name. It will have more than what is contained in the columns, but the name will be the same. "Writers Tricks of the Trade - Some ABCs of Writing Fiction."


And on the topic of writing fiction, I'm clicking along on my latest caper book manuscript. Less than 100 pages to go on the read-through and it's really a fun book. I've been writing this with a partner for several years and we're just about there.

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Comment by Morgan St. James on January 23, 2011 at 2:03pm
Thanks Sean. You can read several more on my examiner column. All of the Las Vegas edition archives can be found at http://bit.ly/MorgansColumn
Comment by sean on January 23, 2011 at 10:27am


Thanks for the insight!  Look forward to the remainder of the alphabet.

Good luck on the final 100 pages


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