Latest book news and forthcoming marine mysteries

I’ve just received from my publisher my copies of the Large Print version of Deadly Waters, which is now on sale. It looks really good and I hope it enables people who are visually impaired (sadly a growing number) to enjoy this marine mystery crime novel.
Deadly Waters is already available as a talking book and in hardback and trade paperback and will shortly be published as a mass market paperback in the UK with a new jacket cover in April 2009. This and all my marine mystery crime and thriller novels are available as e books.

The mass market version of Deadly Waters in the UK is the normal paperback size rather than the large paperback size and I know that it will please many of my readers here who have already bought the mass market versions of Tide of Death, In Cold Daylight and In For The Kill. It will retail at £6.99 and is available for pre order from bookshops and on line.

The Suffocating Sea, the third DI Andy Horton Marine Mystery, will be available in the large paperback version in January 2009. I’m not sure when it will come out in the smaller mass market size but will let you know. It will probably be early 2010. The Suffocating Sea is also shortly to be made into a talking book, which is great news.

I’ve just signed the contract for the publication of my latest DI Horton Marine Mystery called Dead Man’s Wharf. I think this is going to be published in hardback in April 2009 in the UK and in the USA in July 2009 but don’t hold me to that. I thought I’d give you a flavour here of what it’s about:

Dead Man’s Wharf

An old woman in a nursing home claims she’s been attacked by an intruder, and her room-mate dies. The evidence points to the ramblings of a dementia inflicted resident, and death by natural causes. But when Horton discovers the dead woman is Irene Ebury who worked with his mother before her disappearance thirty years ago, and that Irene’s son, serving a sentence for armed robbery, is also found dead in his prison cell, Horton begins to wonder if both are connected with his mother’s past. But that’s not all! A series of threatening telephone calls to a television personality and a mother’s conviction that her son’s death on Christmas Eve was no accident pile on the pressure and soon Horton finds himself in danger along with his faithful sergeant, Barney Cantelli.

To be published in April 2009.

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