Learning about the blogosphere through Blog Book Tours

Since the beginning of May, I've been immersed in the online Blog Book Tours course. I've been posting on my blog, Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso, almost daily, and as of today I expect to log 2,000 visits. That's since May lst, not just today. Even so, for me, that's an enormous number, though it's minuscule for some.

The course is demanding, but highly informative for writers who want to maximize their online presence. The next course will start in the fall, with sign-ups beginning in August. To learn more, visit my blog, and then click on Blog Book Tours in the sidebar. (Yes, I could give it to you here, but this is a not-so-subtle ruse to invite you to check out my blog.)

Julie Lomoe
Mood Swing: The Bipolar Murders
Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso

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