There, that's it in a nutshell. From that one word you can picture a line of tiny, transient shops, set up along a lake shore under canopies threatening to fly away (some did); customers staying home or at best hurrying through the rows with no willingness to browse, chat, or buy.
There were good things, of course. I met lots of really nice vendors and got to know them pretty well, since we had only each other to talk to. I had time to cut down that book the publisher will consider if it's shorter. And I addressed 100 postcards that have been sitting on my worktable for weeks. It was tough with gloves on, but what else did I have to do on that frigid marge?
Lessons learned: no more three-day shows. Too much investment for any possible return. Maybe no more outside shows, although the weather has to get better soon, right? And finally, there's always gain in a new adventure, even if it's just chatting up that couple from Iowa who were philosophical about their long drive for nothing. Now those folks have a good attitude!
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