Looking forward to a productive and busy 2011

January kicks off with an appearance on Portsmouth Live TV on 6 January with Live at Five with Sally Cronin at 5pm. I’ll be chatting to Sally about my crime novels and also talking about the forthcoming launch of the Crime Writers’ Association Young Crime Writers Competition 2011on 10 January. Once again I will be the southern area judge for the competition and looking forward to reading the entries from budding young crime writers.


On 11 January I'll be talking to Darren Gamblen on Express FM 93.7 at 9.30 am and then on 21 January I will be on the Julian Clegg Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Solent at the crack of dawn, well it is to many people at 6.45 am.

27 January sees the publication of the NEW Inspector Andy Horton crime novel. Footsteps On The Shoreis the sixth in the Inspector Andy Horton marine mystery series and will be published in hardback by Severn House.

The 24 February sees the publication in Large Print of Dead Man's Wharf (the fourth in the Inspector Andy Horton series. It will also be published as an unabridged audio book and download this year but I’m not sure exactly when.

In March Blood on the Sandis to be published in mass market paperback. This will please some readers who have e mailed me to say they can’t get hold of Blood on the Sand in hardcover or trade paperback; sorry these sold out but you’ll certainly be able to buy the new edition.

In April I’ll be appearing on the Isle of Wight but not sure when. Awaiting confirmation.  Also in April, Dead Man's Wharf will be published in mass market paperback. The hardcover and trade paperback versions have sold out so it will be great to have the new paperback version available.

April also sees the arrival of the London Book Fair, hopefully without the volcanic ash cloud which prevented all my overseas agents from attending in 2010. I will be at the London Book Fair on the 11th and 12th

On 30 April I will announce the South Coast winner of the Young Crime Writers’ Competition 2011 at an Awards Ceremony at Portsmouth Central Library. The Area Award Winner will receive a certificate and a £10 book token and a signed copy of two of my crime novels. Each shortlisted entrant will receive a certificate and a signed copy of one of my crime novels.

In May I will be appearing at Crimefest, at the Royal Marriott Hotel, Bristol.  And from the 13- 19 June it is National Crime Writing Week. The Crime Writers' Association of Great Britain (CWA) is organising a celebration of crime writing during the week. Members of the CWA will take part in readings, discussions, readers' group events and workshops all over the country.

I will be speaking at many other events during the year including the second Crime and the City, CSI Portsmouth event, probably to be held at the beginning of November. This was an extremely popular event in 2010 and I’m looking forward to taking part in it again with some of my fellow crime writers, forensic experts and Hampshire Police.

Meanwhile I am writing the seventh in the DI Andy Horton series, as yet untitled and hope to see publication of that during 2011 or early 2012.

For more news about my books and events keep your eyes peeled here or on my official web site www.rowmark.co.uk

Here's wishing everyone on Crimespace a very peaceful, healthy and successful 2011.

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