The Crime Writers' Association of Great Britain, (CWA) of which I am a member, has launched a new intiative for 2010 with the introduction of National Crime Fiction Week, taking place from 14 June to 20 June 2010. It is designed to raise the profile of crime fiction further, already a popular genre in the UK, and will be a celebration of crime writing.

During the week members of the CWA, including yours truly, will take part in readings, discussions, readers' group events and workshops all over the country. Not that I don't do that aleady as anyone can see from this blog, my web site and my other blogs. But hopefully this will drum up some more PR around the country and locally, although I won't rely on it coming from the CWA. Writers need to be in control of their own PR, a valuable tool for raising profile, as I should know having worked in the industry for nearly twenty years.

I'll be posting events on my official web site, along with news releases on this and my other activity. The crime genre is very broad so there should be something for every crime fiction fan in the UK and will hopefully introduce new authors to many.

I'm looking forward to being involved in this as well as another initiative, a Young Crime Writers Competition, which will be run in conjunction with the CWA and local libraries. I'll post more on this and National Crime Fiction Week in due course.

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