Much to my surprise, my web site has won an award.  Thanks to the kind people at PWA, we can now claim another success.  "We" refers to my webmaster, Bob Stein, and myself, because the site is a co-production.  He handles the technical stuff and I supply the images and text.


The site has worked well from me.  It has an e-mail address where readers can reach me, and I answer all my e-mail.  Apart from losses after a computer crash several years ago, I've kept their addresses so I can contact them about new releases.  They write back occasionally, and I've made some long-distance friends that way.


Mind you, it's a lot of work making the periodic changes and updates.  One of the drawbacks of having a webmaster is that you have to spend considerable time typing out instructions to him, while checking back and forth between the site and the files.  Images, like book covers, have to be scanned and e-mailed. I could learn to make some changes myself and have a program for it, but I'm too busy with other stuff to learn to use it.  Meanwhile, Bob is forever patient and accommodating.  Without him, the site would not exist.


Check it out:

Views: 92


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Comment by I. J. Parker on December 23, 2012 at 12:46am

Sorry.  Typo.  "Thanks"  ("Must be more careful"  shall be repeated 10 times)

Comment by I. J. Parker on December 22, 2012 at 4:17am

Thank, Benjamin.

Comment by Benjamin Sobieck on December 22, 2012 at 1:46am

Congratulations! That's great news.

Comment by I. J. Parker on December 22, 2012 at 1:08am

Thanks, Dana.  Actually, things are pretty flat.  The e-book self-publishing thing seems to be going straight downhill for many authors, and I don't like the extremes of agressive promotion some people are doing to fight the trend.

Comment by Dana King on December 21, 2012 at 11:20pm

Outstanding! Congratulations to both of you. It's good to see success and recognition starting to come your way the past year or so, It is hard earned and well deserved.

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