Q&A with Floyd Buck Periwinkle author of The Breaker Series

Q&A with Floyd Buck Periwinkle author of The Breaker Series

Giovanni: Welcome to The Scoop, Buck. How have things been going for you?

Buck: Excellent! Just this morning I found out that my first digital short in the series: Signed , Sealed and Delivered moved up to a tie at number 5 @Smashwords Highest rated and has just gone live at Barnes and Nobles.
I would say that is progress in less than eleven days. How is it shaking for
you since we talked last?

Giovanni: Most excellent! I ran in a 5k Sunday, posted a good time for me, and just got done food shopping for Thanksgiving. I couldn’t be happier. Back to you. Are you all that you say? I have been following your
blog, The Breaker Series, and you actually seem to know a thing or two about
lawn care and landscaping.

Buck: What, that surprises you? Maybe I should visit you and explain things in person. Perhaps I can give you a personal lawn evaluation? Back to the subject though: I have immersed myself in lawn care and landscaping
from the time I signed on to do what I really do. I keep my certifications up
to date by taking all the necessary classes required each year. Currently I
have three State Certifications (Lawn, Insect, and Tree/Shrub) and one National
Certification (Tree/Shrub).The National Certification for the Tree/Shrub is a
onetime test with no follow up. Basically I have a license to kill any weed, insect
or disease that I find necessary. Over the course of the almost thirty years I
have been doing this I have put down many 2, 4, 6, 8 and other many legged
insects, rodents and homosapiens. It is all in everyone’s best interest.

Giovanni: A personal visit isn’t necessary. I read how they go, and my lawn is just fine thanks. I will just continue to follow your blog and take your recommendations into consideration. Where do things go for you
from here?

Buck: I have four more stories written, they are being proofed by Mike the Rocket Man, my coworker. He tinkers with them and makes himself sound better than he really is. Now having said that, or should I say
written it, my guess is he will hack into your blog and change that to say
something else. It will probably be something just to flatter himself. I hope that
your readers get to this right after it goes up and that you don’t have
anything important tied to this blog. He may exact some type of revenge on you
for printing it. Although he is a genius he is pretty infantile. Are you
reading this yet Mike, yes I wrote infantile. Don’t worry about it; I will get
him to fix whatever he screws up for you. If he doesn’t the next training
session will be a more unpleasant experience than it usually is.

Giovanni: You sound like a fun guy. What happens during your training sessions?

Buck: Sorry, that is a need to know type of thing. Besides I will be going into greater detail about all that in future chapters of the Breaker Series. I don’t want to spoil the fun. After all, I am just your
average, normal guy that happens to eliminate pests in a very clean, concise
manner. Being messy is for amateurs. You know the old saying, ”The right tools
for the right jobs”, I definitely get to use all the right tools.

Giovanni: Are these tools the standard in the industry?

Buck: No not at all! The tools I get to use are all hand made by the Rocket Man for my personal use, fit to my specifications and bodily needs. I have an overactive imagination and don’t like to repeat the same
method twice if I can. Whistle while you work, if you know what I mean.
Basically having fun while you perform your task. Hey, when are you going to
ask me about the band?

Giovanni: I was saving it for near the end. You wanted to plug your band right?

Buck: Definitely. Our name is: Behind the 8 Ball. Some of you may have heard of us. I am the drummer and I get to sing lead on some of the songs. I usually get the party started with “Shot to Thrill, Playing to
Kill” by AC/DC and then we go into some Huey Lewis and The News,”Hip to be
Square”, our horn section does an awesome job with that. There are eight of us
in the band, hence the moniker. We don’t travel too far, just up and down the
east coast on the weekends. I get to perform service in some of the different
places we go to, it works out just fine.

Giovanni: I am not going to touch the last part of that. Let’s wrap this up. What can we expect from you in the future?

Buck: I am not too complex a being. I will continue to release the digital short stories; none of them will be in order, just to keep you on your toes. The blog is going to continue to give tips on lawn and
landscape tips. I am going to continue to do what I do and perform service on
occasion just to keep things fresh and exciting: just your basic stuff. There
are a few sayings in my industry: “If it flies, it dies”, ”If it grows(a weed),
it goes, and “ If you are a two time loser, going on number three, or doing
something that you really, really shouldn’t, don’t get on my radar, because
then, you will be next.” I am sure Mike (Rocket Man) will delete that sometime.
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of me. Thanks for the time today G-man.
Here are my links right now, but just keep in mind we will be everywhere soon:




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