Raised in Hell Julia Madeleine “The Devil’s Music” series

Have you read the synopsis of this series yet? Julia Madeleine has put together a series that is a fun, engaging read and you do not have to be a fan of music to enjoy it. Okay, I love music and that is an added benefit. If I can get her on my blogtalk show, The G-ZONE, sometime soon one of the questions I am going to ask her is:”Did you have more fun doing the research or writing this?” Each installment is going to have a different historical musical figure in it. This is the second work of hers I have read; the other is the Paul D. Brazill “Drunk on the Moon” installment “Fear the Night”. Check out my post on that. My suggestion is to get in on the beginning of this hot new series because her content ROCKS, not just what is inside it.

Here is the synopsis:

“It’s the late 1930s in Memphis Tennessee and “The King of the Delta Blues Singers” is reigning in the dingy juke joints. Sadie, the daughter of the Devil himself, has a signed contact with him that’s come due. She’s got a soul to collect. In a blues club on Beale Street, Sadie finds him on the stage and waits for him with a bottle of bourbon, ready to take him to hell. But what happens if he doesn’t want to go?”

New from Trestle Press authors this week: Chantal Boudreau “Weighing Fate”, Mark Cooper “How I met Your Mother”, Darren Sant “A Good Day”, Mark Miller “Daniel’s Lot” & “Meant to Be”, Wenona Hulsey “Burden of Blood”, Joan Meijer “The Rescue”, Robert Ford “The Curse of The Translucent Monster”, Laurie Bowler “Fangs, Inc. The Tortured Revelations”, Michelle Vasquez “Second Hand Bookstore”, Ed & Eunice Vought “Best Friends #4” , Thad Brown, “Lights Out”, William Tooker,”Bad Angels”, April Pohren, “Dream Me To Death”, Angelique LaFontaine & Eddie Frantom,”Thirty -1 Reckless”’ John Reed “Winter Hill Exhumed”, Allan Leverone/Paul D. Brazill ” The Darke Affair”, Julia Madeleine “The Devil’s Music: Raised in Hell”, Paul D. Brazill “Brit Grit”, Molly Edwards “The Willow Spring Killer”.             

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