Roland of The High Crags: Evil Arises B.R. Stateham


Any fantasy freaks out there? Do you love any type of fantasy/paranormal type stuff? Do you get enough epics in your reading week? Can you groove on an alternate universe occupied by monks, magic, dragons and the like? If you have answered yes to any of the above then this novel is for you, download it now, it is just $2.99. If you are someone that just enjoys a well written novel, well don’t hesitate download it for the holiday weekend, great stuff awaits you here. One other question: Am I a big fan of anything this guy writes, am I a big B.R. Stateham fan? You bet! I just got done collaborating with the guy on “Hotel Beaumont” , which will be out in a few more weeks. If you are an action fan, like a high body count, and some serious hard-boiled writing mixed with some laughter, then the digital short is for you. Wait, back to “Roland of The High Crags: Evil Arises”, what is between the covers?

“Roland of the High Crags. Warrior. Monk. Wizard.

A wizard skilled in the arts of The Bretan craft of wizardry.

As a warrior-monk he has taken vows to protect humanity from the all forms of evil. To protect the innocent and the weak. To face his foes and never flinch. No matter the odds. For centuries that meant Bretan monks faced the hordes of Dragon armies who pushed Mankind into lofty, snow capped peaks of mountains called The High Kanris.

Dragon and Man. Forever at war. Forever enemies.

But one day a dragon nobleman asks Roland to take his last remaining heir, a seven year old dragon princess, and save her from those who wished to destroy her. Her own father and brother. Roland accepts the challenge. He will raise the child in the ways of The Bretan. He will teach her to control her vast magical power the Bretan Way.

Yet in his heart he knows; knows the child is the ultimate weapon designed by the Dragon gods. A weapon forged in Dragon magic. Charged with the command to ultimate destroy the entire human race. Yet Roland sees a glimmer of hope; a different route-a way to defy Dragon prophecy. A way to take the Dragon child, the ultimate weapon, and compel it to destroy the Dragon gods themselves.

A dangerous gamble. Filled with treachery and betrayal. Yet offering a slim chance to end the forever war. For Roland, there is no choice but to accept this role.

And the adventure begins. “


B.R. Stateham is a very talented author. He writes in many different genres and he does them all well. He is also the author of “Death of a Young Lieutenant”, and the “Call Me Smitty” series of digital short stories and novellas. I think the guy could write the phone book and I would read every page of it. Let’s get to Roland: I have had B.R. on my blogtalk radio show, The G-ZONE a number of times. He loves to talk about his characters, just loves it. The passion for Smitty, Roland and Jake just pour out of him. Roland seems to me to be a very complex and deep character. Taking gambles, trying to do the right thing that is not just best for him but for everybody. He seems to have a higher purpose and direction in mind. The universe he inhabits is pretty cool; the cast of characters and creatures are well conceived, fleshed out and executed. My suggestion is that first off it is just a strong read, so I would suggest this to anyone that enjoys a good read. But if you are a fantasy freak, then this is a MUST. You need to get this in your ereader and get your groove on, or your freak, whichever you desire. There is going to be more Roland of The High Crags, so get into it now; let the magic take over, and make room for a very unique monk and a bunch of dragons and dragon people. Roland is here; let the word out shout it to the High Crags!

 Things have changed around here. I am now the published author by Trestle Press of “Down Low- Dead” with Vincent Zandri, “The Jersey Shore Has Eyes” with Big Daddy Abel”, “G.S.I Gelati’s Scoop Investigations Psychotic Detectives” with Thomas White, “Who Whacked The Blogger” with Benjamin Sobieck,and the soon to be released  “Thad and The G-Man’s Most Awesome Adventure” with Thad Brown and “Hotel Beaumont” with B.R. Stateham. All the stories are available @ Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Smashwords. I am also the host of the wildly popular The G-ZONE blogtalk radio show. Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.





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