Strange Ways To Kill and Other Juicey Tidbits: An Interview with M.J. Rose

Reader’s Entertainment joins bestselling author M.J. Rose to talk about raising the dead, strange ways to kill and what book she wish she’d written!

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Question: Using the Twitter method of answering (140 characters or less) tell us what kind of
books you write.

M J Rose- I hope I’m writing good books that people can’t put down and
that leave them satisfied, thinking and wanting more.

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Question: What is the strangest thing you’ve ever been asked about the books you write?

M J Rose- “How do you do the research for the sex scenes you write
that are from the male character’s point of view?”

Question: If you could know all you know right now, but be a different age, what age would you be?

M J Rose- You know I’d rather be the age I am and be a little more
naïve than I am.

Question- If you could choose one of these powers for yourself, which would it be-

Raise dead people to interview them for the Today Show

Will celebrities to do your bidding

Control the weather for the sole purpose of pissing off the

The ability to give flat tires to people who make you mad in

Be telepathically linked to Quentin Tarantino

Be able to create true love potions

MJ Rose- Raise dead people to interview them for the Today Show

Question- When fans aren’t reading your books who do you recommend they read?

M J Rose- Anything they want as long as they read. This isn’t a cop
out – the goal is just getting people to read and I don’t want to mention one
of my friends and not another.

Question- What is the most interesting way you’ve ever killed someone in one of your books?

M J Rose- I killed a woman who performed porn online by poisoning the
lubricant she was using so she died with more than a million guys watching her
on their video monitors.

Question -How much romance will we find in one of your novels?

M J Rose- Its not about quantity its about quality.

Question - Using the Twitter method of answering tell us why you started AuthorBuzz.

M J Rose- Because no one was helping authors navigate the marketing
minefield. And I wanted to use it for my own books.

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Question- List three things, in order of importance that all authors should be doing online.

M J Rose-

Turning off the internet so they can write

Reading things that have nothing to do with other authors
and publishing because it’s a time suck.

Posting reviews of books they’ve read and loved at blogs and
online bookstores.

Question- Have you ever read a book so good you wish you’d written it? Which book?

M J Rose- All the time. I’m reading it right now – Damn it’s good Garden of Evil by David Hewson.

Thank you, M J for spending time with us!

For those of you who would like to find out more you can find M J Rose at- –Website - Blog - MySpace

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