It’s a deep-freeze with a record amount of snow in the Ol ‘Peg. February has started with a cold snap and general crankiness with shoveling on my part. This can be the tough month, but it tends to be one of my busiest for some reason. For those you putting together various proposals for March 1st deadline for funding, you know what I mean. I have a project I would like to put forward, but I’m waiting to hear about a gig, and that answer will come down tomorrow (Wednesday). If it goes ahead, then my proposal will have to be put on the back burner for at least two months. I don’t mind because it’s work. And work means money. I don’t mind my can of beans cold, but they’re better warm when you can pay the electric bill.
Today I listened to the CRTC Hearings and was amused by the Internet-throttling, the Hearing’s odd buffering problems, and swore at my slipshod knowledge of French (since for no reason at all the French channel would bleed in to the English channel). As most of you know, there is a stink over the CRTC’s incredibly stupid decision to allow extra billing for Internet usage. A petition was signed with over 200, 000 signatures and now everyone on Parliament Hill was roused from its winter coma to agree with pissed-off Canadians (as much as Canucks do get pissed-off, which usually entails a stern letter to the editor, followed by an afternoon nap).
Anyway, updating my CV offset the general crankiness and the onset of becoming another Winnipeg winter somnambulist. It was a reminder that I actually work. Try it some time. It can be a real ego-boost. The CV was updated to reflect my professional life on LinkedIn, so that it would feed to my new site. More importantly, this exercise was a chance for me to take-stock of where I am. I’ve worked on a lot of stuff, especially as a 1st AD. I’ve written a few things that have gone before a camera, and some that still wallows in development hell – projects I still like, but victims of various fates.
Going over my last 14 years can also be a bit like opening an old diary. A teenager’s diary to be exact, where some of your preoccupations, crushes, old partners and teachers can make you wince. However, all of them have taught you something valuable. Even the bad ones. So what did I conclude? Well, I feel I’m still learning. I feel I must go forward with my crazy micro-budget project this year. I feel I must get my book done this year as well. I have solid starts on both and they push me in new directions creatively and technically. And both scare the hell out of me. I’m liable to lose my shirt, my sanity and open myself-up to ridicule.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
H/T to Chuck Wendig for finding this. I think it’s good for all of us in the dark-days of if you’ll excuse me, I have to answer a Producer’s email about doing another version of a shooting schedule.
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