Everyone agrees that nobody knows what makes a bestseller. Books that were BLOCKBUSTERS often leave me asking, "On whose block?"
Those who know me can guess that I do not care about vampire boyfriends, Glenn Beck's rantings, or the people you meet in heaven. But even in my favorite genre, mystery, I'm puzzled by what others like that I find insipid or overdone or unbelievable. It may be Grouchy Reader Syndrome, which results, I believe, from reading so much that anything average isn't good enough.
So it is with trepidation that I approach Steig Larsen's GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. Friends have told me I will like it if I wade through the long initial setup. Friends have said things like that before, sometimes rightly, sometimes not so much.
I want to like it. I want to be swept up in the bestseller that everyone else has already read and formed opinions on, from terrible to terrific.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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