I got an email this morning from a woman who would like to review my book, which is nice ,at least one hopes it will turn out that way. I posted an "Available for Review" entry on a site that lets authors do that, and she responded. The Helpful People part is that she gave me three more book review sites I was unaware of, allowing me to expand my reach on the Net.

On the other side of it, contact with another Internet outreach led to a rather embarrassing situation where my note to the site owner showed up along with the message I'd sent to be posted. Luckily I didn't say anything dorky, but the note part very obviously isn't supposed to be included in the post.

It happens all the time: helpful things appear; unhelpful things appear. There's been a flap on one of the chat sites about a book title, WHERE THE DEAD LAY. People who haven't checked their dictionaries are screaming about the "mistake."

I guess it's all helpful, because a book is being discussed, and we all know that publicity, good or bad, is good. So if people are talking about HER HIGHNESS' FIRST MURDER, (Gee, maybe I should have put the apostrophe in the wrong place! Or maybe some people will THINK that I did!) I'll be grateful for the exposure and ignore the rest.

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