Once I discovered Sherlock Holmes in my younger years, I devoured every tale, fascinated with Holmes' powers of observation and deductions.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in 1930. The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitzis the first time a new Holmes story has been sanctioned by his estate.

I started to listen to the book with, I must admit, with more than a little trepidation. Would it do justice to Doyle's characters? Would the story have the same 'feel'?

1890's London England. Sherlock Holmes is called in by an art dealer who fears a member of the Flat Cap Gang has followed him from America to Britain and means him harm. Aided by the trusty Dr. John Watson, Holmes begins investigating - aided by the young Baker Street Irregulars. One of the boys ends up dead - and the case leads to places and people that believe they're untouchable. And really you don't need much more of the plot, as it truly is a Sherlock tale. Horowitz has done a fantastic job of recapturing the tone of previous works - the back and forth between Holmes and Watson, the clues and deductions, the Victorian settings and more.

As I mentioned, I chose to listen to the audio version. And am I ever glad I did!  Derek Jacobi did a simply amazing job. His voice is so expressive and rich and captured completely the tone of the story and the characters.

The House of Silk is climbing up bestseller lists  - and with good reason.  Definitely recommended.

Listen to an excerpt of The House of Silk or read an excerpt.

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